Peregrine Falcons - Acadia's Feathered Sprinters

Nearing the End of the Loop Road
How's everybody doing? We're nearing the end of the loop road. Next up, Cadillac Mountain. As we head that way, the mountain isn't the only thing you'll want to look up to see.
The Incredible Peregrine Falcons of Acadia
Peregrine falcons have made Acadia a home base. The falcons are about the same size as crows, with long pointed wings and black or gray lines on their bellies. An adult's head looks kind of like it's got a dark-colored hood with sideburns.
You also might see birders, binoculars in hand, hoping to spot these falcons speeding across the sky. You see, peregrine falcons have an incredible superpower. They roam the sky searching for their prey.
And when they spot something for dinner, it's showtime. While diving for prey, these incredible birds have been clocked at speeds of over 200 miles per hour. That makes the peregrine falcon the fastest animal on Earth.
The Fastest Animal on Earth
By comparison, on land and at sea, the cheetah and the black marlin tie for second with top speeds of only 70 miles per hour. Pretty extraordinary, right? Despite their incredible speed, these amazing falcons were almost eradicated in the second half of the 20th century due to pesticide poisoning. The toxins from these pesticides led to reproductive failure in peregrine falcons, as well as other birds of prey.
The Recovery of Peregrine Falcons
But the falcons have made a recovery. Many of these pesticides have been banned, and park rangers have supported the birds' return to wild spaces. Here in Acadia, peregrine falcons occasionally nest near some of the park's trails.
So when a nest is spotted, the park will close the nearby trail to keep mama, daddy, and the baby birds safe.